Bericht: 9 months. Light built. Boy. Would like a heavy head and shorter muzzel. Correct
bite. Enough neck. Would like front angulation. Soft topline. Enough rib cage.
Correct tailset. Would like a stronger rear. Enough improfile and close behind.
Too high carrige.
Bericht: 9 months. Nice boy. Correct exp. and bite. Would like a longer neck. A little
higher shoulders. Correct topline and body. Correct cup and tailset. Enough rear
angulations. Moves well in profile, a little out of elbows and a little close
Bericht: 23 months old. Correct head and bite. Would like darker eyes. Correct neck. A
little high shoulders. Correct topline and body. A little long. Correct crop. HE
need better rear angulations, straight forelegs. Little dance in action on the
front. Little legs
Bericht: 21 months old. Correct head and bite. Would like darker eyes. Good neck, but a
little high shoulders. Correct topline and body. A little long. Correct crop and
tailset. good bones. Moves well with effortless action.
Bericht: 4 years. Correct skull and eyes. Would like shorther muzzel. Correct bite.
Enough neck. A little high shoulders. Correct topline and body. Good crop and
tailset. Enough rear angulation. Moves well.
Bericht: 20 months. Correct head and exp. and bite. Enough neck. Would like better
angulation in both ends. Correct topline. He needs more body. Enough crop. Would
like more bones. Needs more drive.
Bericht: 2 years. Nice head and exp, with correct bite. Good neck. A little high
shoulders. A little norrow in the front. Correct topline and body. With enough
rear angulations. Correct reach and drive.
Bericht: 5 years. Correct head and butt. Short neck. Would like better front angulation.
Correct bones, topline and body. Good crop and tailset with enough rear
angulation. Would like higher head.
Bericht: 12 months. Correct head and exp. and bite. Enough neck. Would like better
frontangulation. Correct topline and body. Good crop and tailset. Enough rear
angulation. Moves with enough reach and drive.
Bericht: 15 months. Correct skull. Would like a softer stop. Correct bite. Enough neck.
High shoulders. Correct topline and body. Enough tailset. Rear angulation.
Little leg. Moves well but need more training.
Bericht: 1 year. Correct head and bite. Would like a longer neck. Shoulders lay back.
Correct topline, body and crop. Enough rear angulation. Moves well, needs more
Bericht: 9 months. Light built bitch. With enough head. Correct bite. Enough neck. Would
like better angulations. Needs more bones. Enough topline and body. A little
high at crop. Moves well in profile, too close behind.
Bericht: 9,5 months. Nice bitch. Correct head, exp. and bite. Good neck. A little high
shoulders. Correct bones, topline, body and crop. Enough rear angulations. Moves
with correct reach and drive.
Bericht: 2 years old. correct head, exp. and bite. good neck. a little high shoulders.
correct topline and body. with crop, tailset and with enough angulation . would
like a higher head cage.
Bericht: Correct head, exp. and bite. Enough neck. Would like better front angulation.
Correct topline. nic body. correct crop and tailset. enough rare angulation.
moves well.
Bericht: 5 years. Correct head and bite. Would like darker eyes. Good neck. A little high
shoulders. Enough topline. Correct body, crop and tailset. Enough rear
angulation. moves well with tail carriage.
Bericht: Correct head, exp. and bite. enough neck. would like better front angulation.
correct topline and body. Crop and tailset. enough rear angulation. moves well
but would like more energy.
Bericht: 3 years. With correct head and bite. Enough neck. would like better angulations
in both ends. a little deep topline. correct body and tailset. moves with enough
Bericht: 2 years. good head with correct exp and bite. enough neck. would like better
front angualtion. correct topline and body. need more bones. with crop and
tailset. moves with correct reach and drive with head carriage.
Bericht: 7,5 years. Correct head. A few brindles over the muzzel. good neck. would like
better front angulation. correct topline and body. with crop and tailset. enough
rare angulation. moves well but a little lazy. would like better head carriage.
Bericht: 10,5 years old. Correct skull.would like shorter muzzel. enough neck. would like
better angulation. correct topline, body and with tailset. moves with enough
reach and drive.